Useful Documents
- Teachers qualifications in five Balkan countries - Graham Donaldson
- Regional research findings relevant for developing National Qualifications Frameworks for teachers within ATEPIE project – Nataša Pantić
- International Portal of Teacher Education
- Green paper on teacher education in Europe
- Conclusions of the Council and of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council of 15 November 2007, on improving the quality of teacher education (Official Journal of the European Union, 2007/C 300/07)
- ENTEP -The first ten years after Bologna
- Reference Points for the Design and Delivery of Degree Programmes in Education (Tuning)
- DEVELOPING QUALITY CULTURES IN TEACHER EDUCATION: Expanding Horizons in Relation to Quality Assurance
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Development of Education – State Report 2008
- Education Strategy 2008- 2015
- Higher Education Accreditation
- Osnove kvalifikacijskog okvira
- Standards for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
- Strategy for Preschool Education
- Implementacija sistema kvaliteta na Univerzitetu Crna Gora
- Report on the Implementation of Quality Assurance System at the University of Montenegro
Presentations from the Regional Task Force Meeting of the ATEPIE project, 23.02.2012.
- Trends in NQF Development - Graham Donaldson
- Development of teacher standards, Croatian context - Vlasta Vizek Vidović
- National teacher qualification framework, Serbian context - Jelena Vranješević
- Creation of teachers' standards in Montenegro - Saša Milić
- NQF for teaching profession, Macedonia - Zoran Velkovski