07 March 2022
From March 2nd to 4th 2022, within the project "Action for Reducing Inequalities in Education" (ARISE), a "Regional Policy Lab" was organized in Zagreb.
This regional event brought together decision makers and policy makers, representatives of schools, civil society organizations, and other organizations dealing with issues of poverty and social exclusion from the Western Balkans region and Turkey.
On behalf of the national platform that was established as part of the project at the beginning of 2022, the event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, the City of Niš Assembly, Technical School from Vladičin Han and the Centre for Education Policy.
Created within the project, a Comparative report, was presented – it provides an overview of existing policies and measures that contribute to equity in education, the main obstacles for students of low socio-economic status, as well as conclusions and recommendations aimed at improving equity in education systems in the Western Balkans region and Turkey.
During the event, representatives of the national platform started drafting a Roadmap for the promotion of equity in education, which will be the subject of further work of the national platform during the project.
The organizer of the event was the Network of Education Policy Centers (NEPC), as one of the partner organizations in the ARISE project.
The goal of the ARISE project is to support the inclusion of students with low socio-economic status through strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations to participate in policy development and advocacy in the field of equality and justice in education and through piloting school-level interventions aimed at supporting students with low socio-economic status. The project is being implemented in the period from April 2020 to April 2024 and is financed by the European Commission through the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance of the European Union (IPA).
The Centre for Education Policy is the implementing partner of the project in Serbia.