
First online workshop for students organised within the project „Interactive and jointly created multimedia guides“

16 April 2021

Within the project „Interactive and jointly created multimedia guides“, an online workshop for the first grade and the second grade students from Third Belgrade gymnasium and Fifth Belgrade gymnasium was organised on April 10th 2021. Professors who were interested in the workshop have also attended it.

The aim of the workshop was to introduce project activities to students, their tasks and the places that they will explore in Belgrade, with the aim of creating multimedia tours about sites of persecution and suffering during the Second World War.

Mr. Nenad Lajbenšperger, PhD, historian-adviser at the Republic Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, introduced the subject to students by presenting the sites of persecution (concertation camps, prisons, the Jewish Police etc.) and cultural memory, while Ms. Jelena Kručičanin, Centropa coordinator for Serbia, presented the work of Centropa, with an emphasis on the interviews, photographs and movies which are available at the Centropa’s website.

Team of students from Belgrade has been formed and these students will, together with their peers from Poland and Germany, create nine multimedia tours about sites of persecution and suffering in in Tarnow (Poland), Ravensbrück (Germany) and Belgrade (Serbia).

New workshop is planned to be organised in May this year, when Mr. Milan Koljanin, PhD, will talk to students about Jewish concentration camp Zemun and the Saurer truck.