04 February 2020
From 2014 to 2018, Centre for Education Policy had been coordinating the working group that monitored the process of negotiation with European Union in the area of science, research, education and culture (negotiation chapters 25 and 26). Together with the working group members, we have been active in monitoring of the activities that were implemented within these two negotiation chapters.
Our expertise in education and the mentioned experience in the process of negotiation, has nominated us to be the participant at the conference "European Integration of Serbia 2016-2020: How far have we progressed towards EU membership?", which is organised by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in Serbia.
The conference is taking place on February 18 2020 at 10am at the Aeroclub premises, Uzun Mirkova 4 in Belgrade. Ana Vusurovic Lazarevic will be speaking on behalf of Centre for Education Policy, presenting the Analysis on progress in negotiation process with EU in the chapters 25 and 26.