
Our library is a collection of more than 2.000 reference books on sociology, economics, governance and other areas of education policy, research methods, as well as other relevant topics. Most books are either in English or Serbian, with a number of titles in other languages. The library can be browsed through the online catalogue on this page.

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Title Author Publication year In stock
Play Dreams and Imitation in Childhood Jean Piaget Yes
Poboljšanje građanskog nadzora i uprave nad sektorom za bezbednost na Kosovu 2006 Yes
Poboljšanje građanskog nadzora i uprave nad sektorom za bezbednost na Kosovu 2006 Yes
Podaci i brojke 2008 Yes
Podrška obrazovanju dece iz siromašnih porodica/ Supporting the education of children from impoverished backgrounds 2014 Yes
Podrška univerzitetima u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori Yes
Podrška univerzitetima u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori Yes
Poezija Miroslav Krleža Yes
Pogled i subjektivnost Branka Arsić 1999 Yes
Pogled na pojavu nadarenosti i ulogu nadarenih pojedinaca u savremenom svijetu Dr Ivan Koren Yes
Pogledi na Bolognu s Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu Anči Leburić
Sanja Čurković-Kalebić
Ivan Perić
Katarina Konsa
Marijana Ančić
2007 Yes
Police and Human Rights Ralph Crawshaw 1999 Yes
Policies and Criteria Established by the Authority 2003 Yes
Policies on Early School Leaving in nine European countries: a comparative analysis University of Antwerp Belgium Yes
Policies, Actions and Procedures for the Promotion and Facilitation of Access, Transfer and Progression 2003 Yes
Policy-Making in the European Union Helen Wallace
William Wallace
2000 Yes
Policy-making in the European Union Laura Cram 1997 Yes
Polis 2013 Yes
Polis 2014 Yes
Political Islam among the Albanians 2005 Yes
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