
Our library is a collection of more than 2.000 reference books on sociology, economics, governance and other areas of education policy, research methods, as well as other relevant topics. Most books are either in English or Serbian, with a number of titles in other languages. The library can be browsed through the online catalogue on this page.

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Title Author Publication year In stock
Osnova cjelokupne nauke o znanosti Johann Gottlieb Fichte 1974 Yes
Osnove teorije o znacima Čarls Moris 1975 Yes
Osnovi defektologije Lav S Vigotski 1996 Yes
Osnovi ekonomije Miroljub Labus 1999 Yes
Osnovi metodologije psiholoških istraživanja Dejan Todorović 1994 Yes
Osnovi prava Evropske zajednice T. C. Hartley 1998 Yes
Osnovi prava Evropske zajednice T. C. Hartley 1998 Yes
Osnovi prava Evropske zajednice T. C. Hartley 1998 Yes
Osnovi socijalne psihologije Nikola Rot 1994 Yes
Osporavanje demokratije Jan-Verner Miler, sa engleskog prevela Slobodanka Glišić 2013 Yes
Osservazione e professionalita educativa 2011 Yes
Österreichischer unterstufen-atlas Ed. Hölzel 1989 Yes
Overcoming inequality: why governance matters 2008 Yes
Overview of the Higher Education Systems in the Tempus Partner Countries 2011 Yes
OXFORD A.S. Hornby Yes
OXFORD - Dictionary of Astronomy Ian Ridpath Yes
OXFORD Wordpower dictionary Sally Wehmeier 1993 Yes
Paket prve pomoći Igor Pucarević 2011 Yes
Paket prve pomoći Igor Pucarević 2011 Yes
Papagajeva teorema Deni Geđ 2000 Yes
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