
Our library is a collection of more than 2.000 reference books on sociology, economics, governance and other areas of education policy, research methods, as well as other relevant topics. Most books are either in English or Serbian, with a number of titles in other languages. The library can be browsed through the online catalogue on this page.

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Title Author Publication year In stock
Od studenta do (ne)zaposlenog stručnjaka Predrag Lažetić
Ivana Živadinović
Isidora Jarić
Ognjen Radonjić
2014 Yes
Odabrani međunarodni instrumenti u oblasti prava deteta 1999 Yes
Odeljenjski starešina Biljana Mihailović
Ljiljana Vdović
2015 Yes
Odgojiti građanina? Patrice Canivez 1999 Yes
Odlučivanje u Evropskoj uniji Obrad Račić 2001 Yes
Odlučivanje u Evropskoj uniji Obrad Račić 2001 Yes
Održivi razvoj - izazov za sveučilište? Nena Rončević
Branko Rafajac
2012 Yes
Odvojeni svetovi Branko Milanović 2006 Yes
Odvojeni svetovi Branko Milanović 2006 Yes
Odvojeni svetovi Branko Milanović 2006 Yes
Odvojeni svetovi Branko Milanović 2006 Yes
Odvojeni svetovi Branko Milanović 2006 Yes
Odvojeni svetovi Branko Milanović 2006 Yes
Odvojeni svetovi Branko Milanović 2006 Yes
OEBS i perspektive integracije SR Jugoslavije u evropske asocijacije Vladimir Bilandžić 2001 Yes
OEBS i perspektive integracije SR Jugoslavije u evropske asocijacije Vladimir Bilandžić 2001 Yes
OEBS i perspektive integracije SR Jugoslavije u evropske asocijacije Vladimir Bilandžić 2001 Yes
OECD Handbook for Internationally Comparative Education Statistics 2004 Yes
OECD Reviews of Migrant Education: Closing the gap for immigrant students 2010 Yes
OECD Reviews of Tertiary Education Jeroen Huisman
Paulo Santiago
Per Högselius
Maria José Lemaitre
William Thorn
2007 Yes
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