
Our library is a collection of more than 2.000 reference books on sociology, economics, governance and other areas of education policy, research methods, as well as other relevant topics. Most books are either in English or Serbian, with a number of titles in other languages. The library can be browsed through the online catalogue on this page.

If you have a specific enquiry about the library or you wish to use it, please send an email to

Title Author Publication year In stock
Macmillan English 1986 Yes
Macmillan English 1986 Yes
Macmillan English 1986 Yes
Macmillan English 1986 Yes
Macmillan English 1986 Yes
Macroeconomic Policies and the Development of Markets in Transition Economies Fabrizio Coricelli 1998 Yes
Macroeconomics Gregor W. Smith
Ben S. Bernanke
Andrew B. Abel
1999 Yes
Macroeconomics Elijah M. James 2000 Yes
Macroeconomics Rudiger Dornbusch
Stanley Fischer
1994 Yes
Macroeconomics Arthur O'Sullivan
Steven M. Sheffrin
Rob Moir
2001 Yes
Macroeconomics Richard G. Lipsey
Christopher T. S. Ragan
2001 Yes
Macromedia Dreamweaver and Fireworks David Crowder
Rhonda Crowder
2001 Yes
Magna Charta Universitatum 2008 Yes
Majstor za QuarkPress 5 Suzanne Sayegh Thomas 2002 Yes
Making a difference Shailendra Vyakarnam
Katalin Illes
Anette Kolmos
Thomas Madritsch
2008 Yes
Making Policy in Europe Svein S. Andersen
Kjell A. Eliassen
2001 Yes
Making the Magna Charta Values Operational 2011 Yes
Mali leksikon europskih integracija 2005 Yes
Mali rečnik pojmova o parlamentarizmu Marijana Pajvančić 2001 Yes
Maloletni delikventi u Srbiji Milan Škulić
Ivana Stevanović
1999 Yes
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