
CEP at the conference Advancing the use of research in education across Europe

06 November 2012

Conference Advancing the use of research in education across Europe, organised as part of the European Commission funded ‘Evidence Informed Policy and Practice in Education in Europe’ (EIPPEE) project,  was held on 9th and 10th May in the Hague. The conference was co-hosted by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Netherlands and the Department for Education and Training, Belgium.

Conference Advancing the use of research in education across Europe, organised as part of the European Commission funded ‘Evidence Informed Policy and Practice in Education in Europe’ (EIPPEE) project,  was held on 9th and 10th May in the Hague. The conference was co-hosted by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Netherlands and the Department for Education and Training, Belgium.

Centre for Education Policy had two representatives at the conference: Jelena Branković, COP researcher and Gordana Miljević, programme manager, who presented Parental Participation in the Life of Schools in South East Europe, including the ongoing project Advancing teacher professionalism for inclusive, quality and relevant education (ATEPIE) (click on image to enlarge).

CEP presentation and discussion inputs have been received with a great interest both as a valuable contribution to the European evidence based policy and practice and as a non-EU source of reliable data, generally scarce in European education and practice analyses.

The EIPPEE conference aimed to develop and share ways of increasing the use of research in education in Europe. The conference was designed to encourage dialogue and the exchange of experiences between policy-makers, researchers, teachers and other stakeholders interested in increasing the use of research across Europe.